Chats with Dad
Chats with Dad
Episode 2- Networking
Phil has made his name due to his networking abilities. He started off networking nearly 20 years ago at BNI, and has since become one of the world's most in demand speakers on the subject. In this episode, Phil & James talk networking do's and don'ts. Expect to hear many of Phil's nuggets of wisdom that he has collected over 20 years of networking.
spk_0: 0:01
welcome to chats with Dad. My name is James Burg, and I run my own social media marketing company called picker rooms, helping businesses increased their sales donations or leads online. Like many people, I regularly have chats about my business and get voice from my dad. Difference for me is my dad. Phil Berg is a sought after speaker and trainer who went from selling carpets on a market stall to presenting, helping and influencing thousands of businesses all over the world. I realised the advice I received from Dad would not beautiful to me. But to anyone who wants to further their success in business and life, I don't think that realises how good he is. Outside of his speaking engagements, people don't get the chance to hear his advice. So I started this podcast so we can share the chaps that I have with Dad with all of you way. Hope you enjoy it. All right? That right, son, yet? Well, very good. So we're going to be discussing networking. So this is what you're known for through your association with B and I. Apparently, I am so for our listeners who don't know you want to explain what B and I is on What? Your role with them being guys.
spk_1: 1:13
Okay, Serbian. I stands for Business Network International, which is a referral organisation where in 72 countries, approximately we have 260,000 businesses using our product. We basically teach people how to teach others how to refer them, how to connect them, how to introduce him to people. And, as we all know, a person introduction is always better than someone calling cold. Be an eye for me. I started as a member in January 1997 and I've worked my way through. I'm now the assistant national director for being I, U K and Ireland, and I also own two franchises being I London East and be a nice Essex with my brilliant partner Brian Gates. Yeah, ultimately, that's it.
spk_0: 1:55
Yeah, one of them will probably cover some more bits on being on the rest of this episode as it is networking. And that really is where you kind of cut your teeth with the networking stuff. So they say. So they say. So I think we just started When it goes into the tips, I always think it's good to look at some of the negative sometimes on what do you think the biggest mistake that people make when networking is
spk_1: 2:17
right? Well, I often talk about networking versus effective networking, and I have to say that people, if you if you judge yourself and you're the only one that judges yourself euros. Brilliant, right? So every time we always do something where I was right, because no one's that they tell us we're wrong. So people go networking and they think they're doing effectively because they really, really know no different. So I think the biggest mistake is that people don't realise the time it takes versus the financial reward. So people think Networkings working for them because they might get £15,000 out of it in the year or £20,000 but they haven't actually related that to the hours they've done so. Actually, if you've earned well taken Northern, if you've taken 15 grand for a year's worth of networking, how many hours did it take you to do that? And then if you turned over 15,000 what was your profit? Because in most businesses, unless you're doing a high profit in 15,000 you're gonna probably on 234 if you're lucky. 5000. How many hours of you worked to get a return of £5000? And then from that initial return reaction of getting business, did you turn it into a strategy? Did you use those people to get more business? Did you use them as a as a leg to future opportunities? So actually, I think I think the mistake is that people, for example, they joined B and I to want more money, but they don't know how much and a year or two later, they're still doing B and I And I've got no idea how much or worse they leave having no got what they wanted. But they didn't know what they want. Isn't that crazy?
spk_0: 3:46
Yeah. And I suppose in turn to that. Then when it's the time, how do you go about that plant? How do you go about recording what your time is that you spent on it or planning for your time? What kind of your techniques you've learned on that
spk_1: 3:58
will. You said the world is planning. I think life is hectic, life is mad and we all exist. So I often say to people kind of wide, You work and I love provoking. I love you, You know that you provoked me. Andi, I love all of that. And I just say, Why do you work? And it's great when you have an audience that don't know you because they're looking as if to say, what a stupid question. But the reality is they're kind of really, if you think about it, come up with stupid answers, you gotta pay the mortgage, got a feed, the kids. We know that we know that. But very few people say, Well, I work like this because if I do it like this at this moment in two year's time, I'll be doing a day a week less or in two years time, I'm going to spend one week abroad or in two year's time I'll be doing this. You know, two or three years is such a short term goal on If you're off target after a year, it's so easy to get back on track. So for me, it's a question off working out before you do something, its outcome driven outcome driven. So if you're gonna go networking, what do you want? Well, actually, not even about networking writes about life. What do you want? Don't go to a meeting. See what happens. Make it happen. What do you want? And you work it out. If I'm gonna network this year, then you turn round. They were How many hours I'm going to spend doing it? If I do X amount of hours. How much money does that need to warrant down on? How much money do we need to have with you doing all that? You work backwards and go Well. Okay, well, it's work out how I can have that. So really, I think that's the thing that you've got to know your why? And you've got to have good reasons. And then you gotta work it out.
spk_0: 5:29
Yeah, And when you said about with knowing where you're gonna go to network. Yeah. So that's being I members. As we said, they're being isa weekly business meeting that your actual member off? If you're not being my member, how would you recommend sets A for me? I'm not being a member of the moment. And I said right that I've decided I want to do 20 hours of networking this year. Yep. What would my next steps beyond? What would you recommend I do about making sure and then networking in the right places.
spk_1: 5:57
Okay, so this wouldn't necessarily be about B and I Because for me, obviously, I'm very senior in B and I, So it'll be very easy for me to sound like I'm promoting it. The reality is, I asked anyone a question. If you are ever going to do anything, anything sports personal in other sports business, if you're gonna learn from anybody or be involved in anything, why would you? You know, if you literally looked at all the organisations out there, all the sports clubs out there, all the interest you want to do, Why wouldn't you research who were the most successful, who the most except
spk_0: 6:31
has very good point, you know?
spk_1: 6:32
Do you want to be in something you know is your goal to have an average return or is your goal to have an excellent return? Both of them was taking the same time, but one of them will give you complete results. Yeah, so be a knife, actually. And this isn't a pump for B, and I bi A knife actually is in 72 countries. There is no other referred organisation in the world that size, it is the most successful has been going the longest. So if you're going to get involved in networking, let's say you find the best. Forget rumours if you're if you're never criticised, your never known. So be a nice is criticised. Why? Because we've been around a long, long time course so whatever you decide to do in life, find the best and learn from the best on that would be my kind of reason. Toe nowhere to go. That would be the advice I'd give.
spk_0: 7:24
Yeah, and also have you ever done it? So I've got some ideas on this. Have you ever done it when its one awful one off events. So let's say in a social media each year. In September, Social Media week, there was have a week and event, So I know that is a good time for me to go to that event. Meet like minded people have the same type of thoughts. If I wanted to recruit people, that's where I'd go. So you know, it's about having my plan. Yeah, I wouldn't go to that if I met that events trying find clients which dark? That's where my competition are. I would actually go each year, right? For my recruitment side, A one off event That's a good one to go to because I'm not going to go toe. There's not that many outside of being I networking things that ongoing. I'm talking more about one off events. Have you ever searched out any? Have you ever gone to any like that?
spk_1: 8:09
Yeah, I think there's, ah, definitely thing to do. Let me ask you, right. As you're my son, do you sometimes have a little bit of a wobbly belly
spk_0: 8:17
here sometimes. Do you mean too much? Was that good thing?
spk_1: 8:21
Okay, well, I'll explain exactly
spk_0: 8:22
what you just see where this goes now. Okay, so I don't have one right now, by the way.
spk_1: 8:27
Well, you see, when you judge yourself, you see what happens. Okay, So would you agree that there are times when you could go to the gym really very regularly, But you still got a wobbly belly? Yeah. You grieve it out. Yeah. Okay. On what? Your gold to go to the gym and have a wobbly belly. No. No. So why have you got wobbly belly? Because you're going to the gym. But you're doing it wrong.
spk_0: 8:47
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, good point.
spk_1: 8:49
Is that possible? Is that
spk_0: 8:52
you? Yeah.
spk_1: 8:52
You know, if you got So here's my point. Okay? Yes. Going to one off events are fantastic, but if you still come out with a wobbly belly, then you went. But you didn't do it correctly. So you've got to know why you going to that event? Why? Before you go, you've gotta prepare who's gonna be at the event. Who do you want to target? Why do they want you? How can you get to them? Yeah, I'm really the goal for that event. Surely if it's a networking event is to walk out. Having made having connected with the two or three people or whatever, you wanted to connect two, but not to sell to them. They did not turn up to the event to be sold to. But if you could meet the right people become a little bit credible if you like, create a little bit of interest in you from them. And imagine if you walked out from that one event, thinking there were four people that I targeted three of them I managed to speak to on three of them of casually connected short. Call me so I believe you go to the correct event to begin the journey off. Starting a relationship. You don't go to the event. Begin and close. You can't do it.
spk_0: 10:03
Yeah, yeah, that's an inch. And that's kind of one of things. I want to talk about it a bit as well is about just hose we could cover now in terms. What makes a great network something you've always taught me is that networking is no about taking someone from first meeting you. Teo closing the deal on that first day, you're not gonna give. As you said, it's that relationship building and kind of way. Why do you think that's so important not to go in and go? I hope to close a deal straight away today.
spk_1: 10:33
Well, I think what I've always learned about networking it's how the other person feels about your approach. So you know, something I've learned in life is it's not about what you say. It's about what someone here is. It's not about how you left someone feeling, in your opinion, is how they genuinely felt in their opinion. So, you know, would you? I mean, the biggest advice I'd get to anybody is you know, the old saying treat people like you like to be treated. Yeah. What's wrong? It's wrong. And for all my years, that's what I believed. But actually, you treat people like they like to be treated. So would you like someone coming up to a networking events in whole Hi, James. How you and what do you do? And as soon as you're saying picker runes and we help companies kind of create more business online, imagine if they're kind of not really listening. And you feel
spk_0: 11:16
that? Yeah.
spk_1: 11:17
Yeah. Well, that might be because you're a big, long beard and the hair, and I didn't like it, but imagine this. Okay, you know that they weren't really interested, and then all of suddenly stopped and
spk_0: 11:27
they go. Oh, and here's my thing. And by the way, do you and you go? What do you know? This? I've had it with that. And someone's come up to me. So what do you do? And then they like a bit of glazed overlooking or they're not listening. I've told them what I do is social media marketing. Yep. And they've been gone. The example would be as close as this. Like, Oh, well, I can help you increase your leads on social media if you like. I just told you I do. Social media,
spk_1: 11:52
I need you. So sell, sell, sell.
spk_0: 11:54
And you know what an online basis I won the other day and it was so strange. There's a guy who have started following on linked him. He doesn't really good content. And I'd seen he checked out my profile a few times on DH. He then sent me a direct message saying like, Hi, James here Since she runs like a content creation course now, I was like, You're essentially asking me, Do I want to pay you to do the thing that I do here And he's
spk_1: 12:23
been on my
spk_0: 12:24
profile says I don't know what on my profile is very clear of what I do. So it would have been on my profile just to send me a message, but was even more interesting than that. I'm going a bit off tangent here, but it shows you when sometimes people don't do the networking. Well, what he sent me with this idea for a content creation day, right? That's something that I've been thinking further down the line I'd like to offer. He's now sent me the whole plan of what I'd offer, how I do it, he said. Here's what we cover. I just looked at it and copied the whole thing and put in a file of to copy. So I have no, whereby not checking out. Probably not only is he not reach his target audience, but he's now given who is potentially a competitor of Hiss off his business plan.
spk_1: 13:03
Let me ask you a question. It's a really interesting so that Let me ask you a question. Do you be You ever wonder? Did he know he was wrong? Do you think it's an interesting question writing? No, he was wrong. Yeah, I mean, I agree with what you just said. I agree what you just said. How daft. But I wonder if he realised he was daft. You see, here is a lot of problem. He would be your typical person you're talking about on this on this speech. right on this chat. OK? He would be your typical person. So many people do the things that they think are right. He guarantee you he thinks he's right. Yeah, that doesn't make American. It makes him untrained. Oh, no, I didn't think it
spk_0: 13:40
was any of arrogance. You're more like a bit of a battle. That's a bit
spk_1: 13:43
absolutely. But there's my point. Whoever listens to us here is don't always think you're doing it right. Your league. You know, this guy has left you with an impression, like how daft and yet he might not be, might be a really good guy that doesn't know he's daft. So I'd advise anybody, Don't just go and do something because you think it's right, which is what that guy did. You. I mean, you talk about the word. I always talk about his authenticity. People need to be authentic, and they need to. They need to understand what the other person's thinking. No one walks out the door and says, I can't wait to be sold to today. No one. And yet people go out selling to you've got to make the other person be interested. And if anything, by asking them the correct questions. You're actually teaching them how to ask you the correct questions back. But you know, regarding before when you asked me about two people do the right things. Imagine previously done fishing.
spk_0: 14:35
Yeah, you Once. I'm glad you remember. Another non memorable way. Went on that boat.
spk_1: 14:44
Oh, yeah. No, that's not the fishing I meant, but yeah, that was good. That was the
spk_0: 14:47
way I remember. It was a broad way
spk_1: 14:50
at the figure. It was lovely, Which to real fishermen. I don't think supposed have done that, but yeah, there was a little Yeah, Sardines, actually. We were supposed to. That was brilliant, actually. But now imagine you're on your own. Okay? What I regard in my mind is typical fishing. And you're sitting with your rod by a by a pond on Excuse me of his listening is not a pond. Okay, but you're sitting there with your rod and you're waiting for a fish. Okay? Can you imagine if I said to you, right? Okay. Here's your choice. There's 20 for lakes. All right? You run around like a lunatic. You put a net over all the lakes and have to keep running around all morning. All morning, all morning to all the lakes to catch some fish. Yeah, but imagine if I said those two ponds over there are the palms that you really want the right fisher in those palms. Can you imagine if you've only got to sit there with one or two ponds? It's a lot less work to achieve the bigger results. Yeah, but a lot of people, for example, networking. A lot of people visit so many networking events on they think they're good because they do something a lot. You know yourself, right? You could go to the gym a lot and still have a belly. This is hurtful. I didn't say you have. I'm just
spk_0: 15:55
must take just saying, but yeah, I think that's such a good point. You know, this is kind of something that I've really taken from your teachings and applied to my whole mindset of social media on. My thing is, you know, the Pickering's way is be interesting 90% of the time and you can sell the other 10 on Another analogy I use on that is I think one of the worst things about sales is this whole teaching of knock on 100 doors on one. My open
spk_1: 16:21
on. That is a fact, by the way
spk_0: 16:22
I tell. I know. Yeah. And Mike, you're right. That is a fact. By the end, it's no, that's why I mean, I think it's such a bad teacher because yes, it's true. But what it means is you're knocking on 100 doors in your potentially the way you do it your way, pissing off 95 people who are they're never gonna want Open the door to you again. Yeah, Where is my whole thing? I think what you said there is understand plan, build the relationships and knock on the doors of 10 people that you know are likely to answer. So nine of them actually answer to you on one of them goes not right now, But thank you very much on you see, so many of these and I'm applying this mortar Online networking, an offline networking. But in an online networking world, it really is a case of have you fire this message out to x amount of people? One of them might respond, but what about the side of you just sent me a message. There was such a hard sell. And now in the future, when I maybe do need someone that does what you do, I'm not gonna want to work with you
spk_1: 17:23
because you believe me or with the hard sell, right? Let me stop you for a minute. I see a lot. Depends again. I go back to the teaching. A lot depends on targets. A lot of people under pressure take their target. So, you know, you often hear this. It's a numbers game. I just think that's crap at the end of day. Yeah, that is a technique. It's a numbers game. I mean, I can teach anybody how to double their profit. Anybody? Very, very simply, Very simply, if you are even as low as a 1% conversion, if you're 0% conversion, maybe forget sales. But if you are a 1% conversion, which you agree, that's awful. Yeah. Yep, 1% conversion. All I would say, choose our double your profit in one simple line, do 200 quotes instead of 100 quotes, and I've just doubled your profit. Now that's I'd say go do that. But in real terms, I'd say That's crazy. Why would you? Why would you double the time you've got effect? You probably even got double that amount of time anyway. But why would you spend 200 hours closing two deals? Because your rubbish instead of actually maybe 10 hours getting better and closing Mohr. So, yeah, if you go into the right people. So it all depends on your type of business. You know, you get these cold callers on, it's a numbers game. They're under pressure that you know that there's no interesting conversion percentage. It's literally. By the end of today, you could have sold 10 clients, so they just they're not trained. Well, so they just go out. Now they need us to train him. Jamie. Yeah, so double your effort. But I just quickly explain one thing about the networking disconnect, or I actually think it's Phil Berg's networking disconnect. Simply this. I'm gonna offer you this question, James E book. So here's the question right. If I said to you, pick one of these two only. All right, pick one of these or pick one of these two First, which one would you have on this might give you a bit of an emotional challenge. All right, But you can you got Oh, I'm not saying don't have both these, But which one would you have first? All right, His question one. Put a load of money in the bank. Sounds good. Yeah. Okay. Put a load of money in a bank or two. Build good, strong, solid relationships. Okay, which one would you go for first?
spk_0: 19:25
This is a challenging one, only because at the moment, the whole point of what I'm doing the pick runes is where I'm starting off. Yep. I'm focused on building those relationships because I know that in the future that is going to lead to money in the bank. Okay, But the way you phrase that question yes is making a scene. That's where I'm thinking, because actually there is no way I'm going to straightaway get loads of money in the bank. I think
spk_1: 19:52
she's father and son chat. Right. So here we
spk_0: 19:53
got to hear me out so you can win this. There's no way that I'm going to get loads of money in the bank. So I've convinced myself and I fully owned No. I'm relationship building now, and I'm already eating like the money's coming in. But for the future loads of money in the bank. Now, you're actually saying to me in this world, that is loads of money in the bank Instantly. Right? What would
spk_1: 20:13
What would you have first?
spk_0: 20:14
Yeah, and it's the first time I've gone at you. You're right, because I'm only trying to build the relationships to eventually get the money in the bank. Okay, so I'm gonna go with the money in the bank. That's not yet money in the booth. You took a long time to get to my answer to you because I was thinking I was thinking what I was thinking. It's like actually, I I'm solid on this year. You're not mine. Really? In building the aim is not money. The alien build the brand, build the relationships and in the process, I am getting clients and projects now. Yeah, all the work I'm doing now, this first year is about one years, 2 to 5. Having loads of money come in the bank because of all the work I've done in the first year. But you say that because I've done my business plan. I've planned that how it's gonna work, Demand, supply all of that. But you know something? Okay, in this situation, just want all the money in the bank don't going on at work. Okay, So
spk_1: 21:02
here's the reality. You know I love you. You know, I'm proud of you. And actually, you are in a you are. You are doing it brilliantly, and you're doing it cleverly. Okay, But the reality is for a lot of people, they have to have some money to live on. What? I'm very proud of you. How you've worked hard. You've saved money on you've now put yourself in a position where you know you're planning your success. But you've You've got yourself a little bit of a nest egg if you like. Which allows you to build relationships. So, as you say And you you are vory Stoute There I said two and challenged you. Which one would you have? First
spk_0: 21:41
money. But it's that thing of what I looked at was I went. But if I want all the money in the bank in 23 years, I've got to build the relationships now. But as the first time he said Okay, well, imagine you didn't have to build relationships and you get the money in the bank.
spk_1: 21:53
Right? So you can say that comfortably because again I repeat out there, It's not easy to do how you You've been planning this success for years, which is why I think
spk_0: 22:04
I've made the strategy of build the relationships on. By next year, those relationships are gonna lead to client. And I have gone Heinz now. But it's that kind of MAWR. Next year's like that. Now we really like you Said it Build the relationships now.
spk_1: 22:17
Yeah, but I haven't explained. I haven't got you to send this. And it's my fault you have given yourself a little financial nest egg. You've worked very, very hard for a few years putting money away. That gives you enough. You're not gonna have a five holidays this year, but you are making your choices. Over the last few years, you've earned money. You've put money away. You've you may know even you've planned this for a few years. You are only able in your current situation to develop your relationships because you've worked hard to put a little bit of money in the bank that gives you your security for this year. I came so other people may have to begin their plan now. I may not be able to kind of implement this for a year or two yet, but I have some money away. So here's Here's how I do it. It was an emotional challenge, right? Because people understand and here's the film feels disconnected. Networking, I said, First choice money in the bank or relationships when I do this in front of a big audience because we speak of events as you know, when I do this in front of audiences, I would say 50 to 60% of the audience actually put their hands up to build relationships now, whether they heard the question wrong, because I say, which would you have first? And even then I repeat in people. So you know I'd build Relationships were Then here's my standard joke term. Imagine. Please. Ah, guy goes home to his wife and says, Darling, there's good news and there's bad news. And darling Home turns around and says, Okay, and husband turns around and says, Bad news, first or good news first. So darling at home says, Would you the bad news. Husby turns round and says, We've lost everything. We've lost a lot. Got to close the business. We go to sell the house, go to sell the kids sometimes that people. But it's all bad case. All bad And darling Hopes is Oh, my goodness, What's the good news? And the husband tendencies are made A lot of friends.
spk_0: 24:11
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah d train that before. Yeah, that is a very yes, good point.
spk_1: 24:16
But there's the disconnect, you see? Yeah, because I put money in the bank first because you're building the relations to put money in banks, you can have a good life. So, actually, you know, I understand the emotional turmoil of bill relations. The disconnect is you've got to build the relationships you have got to get, people wanted to help you. And when you do that, the money will come.
spk_0: 24:35
Yeah, and that's like I said, what I have planned to do in my house such a good question is the the aim for this He was building relationships because through your teachings, everything it seeing what that's gonna lead to, and you're right. It's about knowing that I'm not building relationships to build relationships. I've been relationships with the end goal that whether it's I help them, they help me in the future. It builds that network, the user that would eventually to money in the bank.
spk_1: 25:00
There's a whole you know, there's all sorry to train that. There's a whole strategy. Okay, you can't just build relationships and forever build relationships. You know, most people don't close deals because they don't ask for the order. So what? I'd also say to people who don't just talk, talk, talk, build relation, build relations, know when the right time to close the Sale e's. Otherwise, you forever build relationships on do nice deeds for people on DH thinkyou're doing nice things. And two years later, someone like Mrs A View on any money, son. Yeah, so that's something. Beware.
spk_0: 25:28
There's another side of it. And this is an interesting thing about networking. People sometimes think networking is ruthless because all you're trying to do is just build relationships to get money in the bank. But I believe and I've learned I've learned this from you, the the more people I'm nice to, the more people like get on with and when you do networking world. And I'm very lucky to have obviously had you as a mentor in terms of how to network the more people you're nice to, the more people you get on with, the more people you build relationships with. You help. There are so many people that I built relationships with when I was 1920 when I was doing work experience and even younger than that, there's guys use when I used to work on the building site who I just got on with really Well, who I didn't have the kind of people who come to the site. I don't have to chap too. But you always taught me kind of that. And this is in a positive way. You don't know who someone you don't know who someone knows.
spk_1: 26:21
Yeah, You never know who the people. No, no, no,
spk_0: 26:24
that's it. And also on top of that, you never know when someone's gonna come back around on. What I've learned is that every person I was nice to back then it wasn't nice that I didn't get on with them and get to know them because I thought one day I could make some money out of you. That wasn't my thinking. It was. Let's build a relationship because to me, by building relationships, so lots of people, only positive things can happen. And that might be in support when there's been a tough time in my life. It might be as a friend it might be, as you said that actually, they know someone I can do business with. But what I've learned is this thing that actually, if you build positive relationships with a lot of people, only good things can come from way. Stats on it to share is that 85% of jobs are filled through networking. Now, something I find really interesting about that and especially it kind of my younger age is that for a long time I'd network with people not knowing what the end result would be. I wouldn't necessarily know if something would come from it or it was just networking, getting to know people, building up my kind of relationships and contacts. And now that I look at the steps I've made in my career, I realise actually a lot of the jobs I've got, all the contacts I've been put in touch with toe work with have come through networking that at the time I never was networking with the hope of one day. I hope this person can get me a job or put me in touch with someone with a job. So what do you think in terms of networking but not actually knowing what your outcome is? But more I just want to build relationships so that in the future there's going to be opportunities for May.
spk_1: 28:03
Okay, what is their strategic networking? Which means you're you're doing particular. You're going in a particular direction for a specific outcome on there, you know? Would you call this networking some when it's just being nice? So, for example, whether you think this is City storey or not, you have to be authentic. I think I've said that before. You have to be rial. There's a couple of things I've noticed that you and Tash out your sister, my lovely daughter. But when we go to restaurant, the four of us were having a laugh and a bit of banter, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I've noticed the way you guys naturally I mean, you may sit. Let's say you get a young girl as a waitress or young lads. You look at the other tables and the young girl or the young lad is pouring a glass of wine or or actually saying What would you like to eat? So taking the order if you actually observe other people the way they placed the order, it's almost not necessarily looking down at the waiter or a waitress. Not necessarily, but it's not making the waiter or a waitress feel important if you live your life making other people feel that's much important. But feel your print feel appreciated. Okay, if someone appreciates the way you make them feel Number one, it's not to get something back from them. It really isn't all that I will tell you in a restaurant. Someone bought me an extra apple pie and custard because I was nice to them. Yeah, I've seen I've seen you do loads of things that
spk_0: 29:28
before, where people have brought us an extra pudding or let us get away with our iceberg's. That's where
spk_1: 29:34
I learned it from. But you do it for an extra pudding, right? We know it's really you
spk_0: 29:39
said it's that thing of By doing it and I think that's what I meant when I kind of went off in a bit of a tangent before it is, I've realised that by just being nice to people, and that's not networking for a business. How come? It's just a positive life outcome of? I used to get extra lunches from it in ladies at school, and I learned that well off you. And it's like when we used to go to Tottenham and as we walk in, the woman would start heating up our sausage, egg beans and chips. Get the mayor out for us.
spk_1: 30:03
What? It's a funny storey. You say that Gone. I mean, I remember so Mom and I were in Portugal last year, okay? And we we put too late Holiday. It was a big hotel, and we were the first morning we were in the queue for breakfast, and it was a Q. There was a literally a young lad and young girl, which I which I actually found out they were brother and sister because we chat to them. Why no, and I just watched watch Basie as they came back to the next person in front of us in the queue. The person would say, You're a table for two and it was just a bit of a grumpy table for two. I watched them walk to wherever the youngster took them, and there was no communication at all. Okay, I didn't do this for any reason other than I think. It's a fantastic thing, making other people feel appreciated. It's no effort and just it's just nice. Don't do it. Don't do it for any reason. So if I tell you that I kind of said, Well, what's your name on it? Said whatever, then was I really can't remember now. So don't write how long you been working here. So by the time we'd even got on the first morning to our table, they kind of said, Where would you like to see it? It should always be nice to sit in the window for can if there's a view and just I made a last It's all there's this table the next morning with no word of a lie. We're in the same cube watching the same grumpy people kind of not be dismissive, but just not be chatty. We got to the front of the queue hand literally. The young lad in this particular stated. We've served that tape. We saved that table for you and I went really on. When we got there, there was actually reserved sign on it. That was the first year on DH then The second thing is, I'm a creature of habit. So in getting my omelette again the first day, I'm watching people on the kind of that it was that the Portuguese. And he said the Spanish, the Portuguese chefs know. Wouldn't the Portuguese chef in Portugal, the Portuguese chef, consider what you want? And again, there's hardly any conversations that I have a nominee for this. So I said, Oh, I have this, Please, if I may remember, I know your name's Frank said. You acid or fantastic enough a big omelette. Was it always here busy? Nothing and nothing. Just a bit of interest. That was all I got to the front of the queue on the second day and he said, Do you want the same? So number one, he remembered me, which is very flattering, so said Yes, please. The third day I'm in the queue, whereas other people have to wait kind of 10 minutes while he cooked it. He was cooking mine as soon as he saw me in the queue, which I didn't realise. So we got the same table each morning which we had to be taken to, and my double omelette was ready on. All I did was ever just chat with him. Now, did
spk_0: 32:33
you say that you see me and touch that? I have taken that from you and I could give you thousands of examples, but my favourite one of you doing that, This is where I learned it from. And I suppose you know what I was saying before about that networking. I think it's the It's not guilt. But sometimes I think that'll that person, someone that I just made friends with just because Yes, and now, further down the line, they're helping me with the business. They bought the book. They put me in touch with someone. And part of me, I think, is recently thought. Was I nice with them with the with the hope that one day maybe there'll be an outcome for May or but what you said then I think is the truth of it. And what I've learned from you is just by being nice to people and chatty with people. Interesting things happen. So I've called interesting things instead of an outcome. And one that I always remember is that you did with someone when it was when you did when you fall around the wolf of Wall Street on his tour. And safe to say he's not the nicest guy as you think. Best? Yes. Of work. Yeah. And I remember he came into whatever the have that, like, kind of viper room for pictures and whatever with them. They're all these people. And then he came in and you could see it was just like that for I get picture, you giving my money. Whatever. And you kind of walked past his bouncer on whatever. And his bouncer that was stood in the corner. You were about to be speaking in front of 2000 people. You again, your notes. Ready. You walked over to the bouncer who stood by the door that was open. It was a bit Cohen said, maybe gonna get your cup of tea. I remember just the look on his face. If he was like what? Because obviously you've been following with Wall Street around that talks to everyone like dirt on his shoe. And he was like, I just remember looking is facing thinking like that is you all over? And I've got thousands of examples of that where you've done that two people. It's always stay with me of as you said the guys in the breakfast line in Portugal when either dinner Ladies, that used to be nice to give me extra sandwich. And it's always stayed me that actually, by just being nice to people, unexpected nice things happen. And I that you taking that same mindset into them when I go networking because I view is when I'm out and about it's trying. Make as many friends as many people as possible because only good things can happen from that. And I started trying to almost act like when I go into a networking situation, it's the same and not be too friendly as you say. Kind of step up a bit. So I'm not just gonna hide out like no get
spk_1: 34:47
No, you can't be something. Let me stop you there for making. Yeah, You got this. First of all, I'm gonna tell you off, right? As your father. Stop saying I learned from you. I did, though. Hang on a second. We'll choose. We all choose. Yes, you may have seen me do things, but you had the choice to think that's the right thing or the choice to think it's not. You chose to be like that. Okay, So you're a top guy. I'm not just flattering you. You're a top guy. You have good manners. I talk about the weight, the young wages. Yeah, I always notice it. And don't don't underestimate this. You know, someone says in a restaurant, What would you like to eat? You've got someone asking you who's a lot younger than you and your young You've got a lot younger than you. And you always tourists, Could I please have
spk_0: 35:29
is mostly because I want to get the extra sandwich.
spk_1: 35:31
Well, I don't know if you know what an outcome under, but I tend to get a sandwich before you, but it's that it's that or could I please? It's actually in you. And we could be in the middle of a conversation. And that's just a natural language. The sad, the sad part of life nowadays is the polite conversation should not be the one remembered should not be the one remembered. That should be the norm. So by being polite and it's not again about being insincere, if that's just the way you are, we can all be horrible. Sometimes we can all have enough day, and we can all be moody. But generally, if you're if you've got manners. Generally, people remember you. And here is the big message. You said about 85 or 90% of people get
spk_0: 36:13
five Senate jobs have filled through networking.
spk_1: 36:15
I mean, that's a meeting. I didn't realise that. All I would say is, if you think in anything, oh, I need some help to do. Do do do Do you always ask yourself, Who can I think off? Who can I think off? You never asked. We never ask who's the best unless you're actually searching for that. It's who can I think off on? I often say toe everybody. If you are the first person remembered, most of us in business. If you're listening to this and you're in business, we are good enough for a percentage of clients, and if you are the 1st 1 remembered When someone says, Do you know someone that can do you know, someone that could help me increase my profits online? James Burke? Exactly. James Burr, Picker Rune and his pirate crew. They're different. They think out of the box. They get results creatively. View on ordinary results. Go some ordinary company and your your picker runes and pirate kind of philosophy. Whereas it first as your dad, I was thinking, Oh, you know, really, son,
spk_0: 37:14
a lot of people, they're really pirate
spk_1: 37:17
because they don't understand pirates. And when you think, imagine this little pirates of parts of the Caribbean vessel, right, This one little ship coming up to a a kind of whole town, This one little ship coming up to a whole town and they take over the whole town and there's only 20 of them and it's five million in the town. Why? Because they were creative. They were strategist. They thought outside the box they had their tactics, right? You're sure they repeated er but the differences with picker runes? You're creating a team of people who are ethical. You said yourself you will know you will not deal with any unethical customers correctly
spk_0: 37:50
didn't climbs clients who you think pirates robbed. They robbed the establishment. Yeah, they did some not nice things as well.
spk_1: 37:56
Good. What? That's why you've got your strategy. And you have proved that with the strategy on with authenticity on with belief on being a good person Do you know what? It's a bloody good way to live your life. And I You know, I'm not just saying I'm proud of you, you know, I said that. So, you know, it's different,
spk_0: 38:14
right? Yeah. And you actually touching something there, which I'd like you to share, which is your favourite film of all time question. So I know I know the kind of end result an answer, but you're just kind of Is that because it's just that first remembered? Yeah, that's a really good. That's a really good analogy for what that is and why that happens.
spk_1: 38:33
Well, if you're in business, yeah, it goes back to one of my two questions, and I do it this way. If I could offer you only what? Only you've only got to choose one of these two things unlike before. You can only have one of them now, in real life, you want to do both. But if you could only choose one of these things are not the other. Which one would you do on the 1st 1 is double the amount of people that know of May. The 2nd 1 is become even better at what I do now. People put their hands up, it will become even better at what I do. And this is just my opinion. But if you became better at what you did but your existing customers don't need that extra service. It's of no benefit. If you become better at what you did. And no one still knows you. It's of no benefit. How about if you just simply doubled the amount of people that know you and know about you? You will double your business Name reality. If you can double the amount of people, know you and get better, there are other options. So regarding the first film, I often say to people with best film, I have to say to people, What's the best film best film you've ever, ever seen in your life? But you've only got 30 seconds to come up with an answer right. You will come up with a film. Absolutely about it. The end twist is if I said OK, guys, now that was the best film you are now saying you've seen in your life. But the reality is you only have 30 seconds to think about it. So do you accept you've actually chosen the best film that you can think of in just 30 seconds? It was the 1st 1 that came to your mind. So in sales, when someone says, Do you know someone that could help you create more business online? You want pick a ruins to be the one thought off our Pickering is gonna be the best company in the world. You could terms
spk_0: 40:12
and they will
spk_1: 40:12
be our they now factually. No, factually, No. Before
spk_0: 40:17
you say, you know, in my opinion, yes. At this moment Yes, factually. My opinion can actually no.
spk_1: 40:23
Okay, therefore, but if you're remembered, you are already doing great business behind bras agitate. You are ready. You already making a lot of different companies. But these are the people that know you. So when they get phone said, Oh my goodness. Do you know someone that can They're gonna go. James Byrd, picker runes. He'll help you. So be the first. Remember? Now if I gave you more time on that film Osama K Now think about it now think about it. Speak to your friends, your family and say the best film I've ever seen is this. I'll bet your partner might say, Well, what about that one? And you go, Let's try.
spk_0: 40:57
I've seen you do this exercise of people and that's why I brought up. And I've seen them go this film. And then a minute or two later, when someone else says someone, let's say they say a comedy film when someone else turned round has a gangster film. They've gone Or actually, no, there is that gangster him, I prefer.
spk_1: 41:11
But which one won the one that came to your
spk_0: 41:13
man is that thing. And I think just a point in what you said then because sometimes the first time I heard you say that I thought so. But But he just told me that we have the whole thing we said about knock on nine, not contenders and nine open instead of 100. And now he's telling me to double the amount of people that knows me. But what I've taken from that and I understand now, is actually you're saying would you rather be better? It's not saying you're not good quality already is Would you rather be better? Or people double amount of people that know you? So as long as you're good in the first place, correct? I view those two separate things of doubling the amount of people that know the quality of what you do as opposed to. Now I want to just knock on 100 doors. But as we said, doing it in the wrong way,
spk_1: 41:52
can you imagine? You see, I did just repeat this. I did say, in this case you can have both. But the original question is, what would you have first? Okay, so, yeah, if you could. If you could double the amount of people that knew you and your business. Okay. How many opportunities will you then get if you khun Additionally, improve your business. Some of your existing clients may not need extra service, but you may now open up your visibility and therefore credibility to a different target market. So do both. But if you only had to choose one double the amount of people that know you and you will double your business
spk_0: 42:25
on something that we kind of going back a few steps when we were talking about the nice things that can happen by being nice to people on a kind of positives of just networking is at your side of the island a while ago, which is you don't know about the opportunities that you've missed now on from not being a nice person to people or, let's say, doing negative networking. So using an example off about people being rude or very nice to people I remember when I was in, I lived in Canada when I was 19 and I worked in a ski mountain on there was salt on.
spk_1: 43:03
How well did you actually work? Be honest,
spk_0: 43:05
a little bit exactly. And there was six ski lifts. I worked on the ski lift. That was what we called the child slight one, right, which was that we I didn't really work. It was so fun. It was the best slope to be on. You don't have to work that hard. You got to have a laugh all day and also this important. You were closest to the bus. So the end of the day when it got too for 15. If you got your thing, tied it up fast. Every started tiding up at 4 15 I would make it always onto the bus. Whereas if you were on the sixth list sixth lift, which is the furthest one away, you wouldn't make it to that bus even if you tied up perfectly. And I sit there was on the side of the mountains is the coldest, furthest away. And if one of the worst lift you be sat on your own all day almost is rubbish. Now, I remember towards the end of season one of the ski instructors, it was moving towards becoming a lifting. That's what we would call the lefties right on The person I work with on the charge left was moving. It was like moving out the country. And they said, Oh, there's a spot for next to you They said, we're gonna bring this guy So me and this guy all day and he'd been quite rude all year, had never been very friendly, Hadn't been very nice. And I turned round to the managers, who again just to networking wherever we're going. I said on to be honest with you guys, we have a dick. Don't put him on the left with me like one of the other people that's been working hard all year and the nice people put them on the easy lift with me to live the easy life. So someone else got in the lift with me on because no, I don't think because I said he's a dick. But they want to put this guy on lift number six, the one that meant he got home later. He was colder, and he had rubbish days. Now he does not know that he could have had the absolute dream for a month or two. Work I'm not working with me is in where he meets the dream. But working on the ultimate lift, he doesn't know he missed out on that. No, he doesn't. But if he had just been a nice person, I wouldn't. I mean, I wasn't like I had nothing. I didn't have it in for him. He just wasn't was I don't spend all day with him. And if he had just been a nice person. He could have had the absolute dream, so he never knows what he missed out on. But it just goes down to that thing of by being nice to people by putting yourself out there by networking in a positive way. You don't know when things eventually might come back around and in a in a good way, for you
spk_1: 45:23
got two choices. You know, I don't understand how people can choose to be horrible. I don't know some of the horrible people out there, you know, something
spk_0: 45:31
we don't mean to be. Sometimes it is just a case of every situation. I agree.
spk_1: 45:35
And I I'm not trying to say it's an angelic world, or it should be. It takes all sorts, but, you know, one of my favourite sayings and you've heard this and it comes out every day, and this is the first time today it's going to come out on its reputation is what people say about us when we're not there on, you know, I say to everybody, your reputation is in the hands of others. You don't buy from yourself, so it really you know, we can all be on a bad day. But I would say one of the big secret is How do you make other people feel after you've left the conversation and you will get dumped on? There's no you know, you can't You can't and should not expect back from people. But you can't use the way you live your life. And I will tell you you'll never feel the pain off. Um, others letting you down unless you are a giver. You know, I've helped many people along my life. Many and you know, just talk about it on they forget they choose to forget and it's very, very sad. You, you, you you get let down but don't change. You can live a period of your life where you think Oh, why am I just why am I helping people? Why am I like this? Because no one else is. You're back and you can live a period of your life like that as well. But maybe just being unlucky in that period, but live your life like that. It's so much nicer. It's so much easier. And I do think good things generally do happen. They didn't Ah,
spk_0: 47:03
good question here, which I wrote down, which is just very simple tips from you. And I'd like to know what makes a great networker.
spk_1: 47:10
Yeah, it's a great question, and obviously my answer would just be an opinion. But for me, a great network knows what they want in life in life. Remember, networking is just a strategy. It's ultimately about having a bloody good life, right? It really is about that. So for me, what makes a good network or is someone that knows what they want has a plan to achieve it and on a realistic plan, you know, realistic plan Disappointment is related to expectation. On As you know, I love these chats with Dad, so I always say disappointment related to expectation, Don't you agree? West Ham and Arsenal fans? So by the way, before you think I'm attacking or you want to turn off were actually suffering Spurs fans at the moment. So disappointment is related to expectations. So if you're expecting a quick result quickly, then you could be desperate. People will feel that desperate nous so know what you want to know why you want it and to do that, imagine you have it now and then picture yet is what I want. I have a plan to achieve it and be realistic, realistic, And that could be quick. But be realistic in your plan for the result Toe happen on that for me makes a good networker and being interesting. The other person first will always get you more results. Even if the starting line. Most most people stop doing things because the starting line hasn't arrived on often, say, members of being on other people. If for those of left B and I, if you just stayed, your finish line would have arrived much quicker. You left because it didn't begin quick enough. You didn't leave because of the ending on most people that leave leave at the wrong time because it may just be about to happen, s
spk_0: 48:56
what you said then when you said about kind of not going in and trying to close straightaway, you've taught me before about open versus closed questions. Yeah. Can you explain first what the open versus closed questions are? And second, some other little tips and then actually imagine when a networking scenario Now what is a what makes a good network in that sense,
spk_1: 49:15
Okay, So before I attended the event, I would have, if possible, found out who's gonna be there. So there'll be people that all specifically target on on the thing of what you said before that you never know who the people, you know know the person standing in front of you who you may think. And I don't mean this mercenary or nastily but the person in front of you may think Oh, actually, I like your company, and I'm enjoying you. But I'm not here for that. You're probably not the person I need. Could be an amazing connector on people. Make the mistake that the person in front of them is the person they want. Know the person in front of them might be the most valuable person because of their connexions. So true networking is getting access to your contacts. Contacts became so but by being interested in them, you'll get the answers you want. So I would say, make it conversational. I have a bit of strategy in there. So if you're specifically a network, you know, if you're a funeral, you're not going to say Russell, how's things? How's business? You might just say, but you shouldn't be saying it with your intent to turn that into a I want to set up a business card with you by the end of this funeral
spk_0: 50:18
that has a lot of people that do dio
spk_1: 50:21
it can happen. I mean, you hope people don't go to funerals to network, but but it But it is okay to network a funeral. Yes, yes. Yeah. Okay. But not to sell again. Um, an open question with things like, How's business going for you has been going for you. What type of customers would you be interested in? You know what Whatever business you're looking for, if I could help you connects you to these people, what would I be saying to them? Because it's really that the key to getting business and this would apply to networking or outside of networking. And I think this is one of the nuggets the biggest nuggets I could ever deliver. There's a four part strategy that I share and it's if you can be liked by the right people, then that's goingto get them tow. Want to help you If you, khun deserve their help, deserve their help. So I like people But they may not have done anything for me, necessarily. Not that I wouldn't help them, but they haven't. Haven't made me think a lot. Do you know what I really you know, I really want to help you. And now you deserve my help. So I'm going to Because once I like you on once, I kind of you deserve my help or I owe you. Then all I need from you is who would you like me to connect you to? And how can I connect you? How can I excite them enough for them to say Great. Get James Burger picker runes to call. May I really, really would like that. So those are kind of strategic questions, Really? Who do you want? I'm gonna connect. You tell me a bit of this a bit about your value. These would be open questions, and I'm interested in them in them and learning about them close questions would be yes. No answers simply Yes. No answers. The more you can avoid close questions. I mean, a Yes. No answer would be a close. Fantastic. So can I get Jane's boat to call you? That would be a great close question. And by the way, that would be how to introduce my son. Hey, can I get changed? Go to call you. That's there's no there's nothing other than the yes or no on that. And once there, there's like Sure, then change the subject. Fantastic. And you have your introduction.
spk_0: 52:38
You kind of touched it their bit in terms of having your own introduction line or a memory hook. How important do you think those are? Obviously, we like to talk about these and through B and I there's some brilliant ones. The I've kind of I could say in my sleep Now, my introduction line of what I do and gone there is because I'm not sleep on, and that was very good. I imagine you were said it so many times, but I spent a lot of time deciding what that wass owning that line, practising that line to make sure that when someone says, What do you do? I can get to that point? Could you share some of the best memory hooks or introduction lines that you can think off? Oh, sure, I want that. You can think of sorry that you've heard from people before, so I know you've got some really good examples.
spk_1: 53:26
Of course. Well, first of all, let's explain what they actually are. OK, if you think about it, imagine a contact of yours. Anyone listening to this? Imagine a contact of yours, and you would like to introduce them. Somebody, the reality is Do you know, how do you know what to say? There are many times a Connexion could be made. But the person trying to connect you says the wrong thing. So I would say to anybody, if you're asking somebody, I'd love to be connected to that person. So, for example, imagine. Please imagine an accountant saying I would like an instruction to that company and the person goes running out and says to that that they found the company up. Say, Hey, Joe, my name's Phil. Imagine they've got a relation with him and it's a good relation to see Joe. I have a fantastic accountant. I'd like to introduce you. It's a great, great, great chance on high. I guarantee on this one that Joe would turn around and say, I'm already happy of my accounts. And things have got one. Yeah, and then the other person here, but my council's aren't really good. So the other person says Yes, I'm really happy. Might have been using it for 10 years and I'm happy. It means that the person trying to connect and trying to make the instruction there no equipped with what I call a line of entry a line of entry. Okay, so, for example, me, Phil Berg, reach your goals. If you want to reduce me. You know, I helped companies all over the world are speaker events. I help people increase. Their sales came if someone said, Look, you know, you've made a major difference in our bottom line and you made a major increase in our prophet. How can we help you? I'll know my target market. I love helping corporate. I love Speaking of big events. I love helping people that have good ethics and want to increase their sales. My line of entry to get me in is simply let's say you sold cars. I would simply teach you to ask the question and say, Could I ask you to your sales team sell as many cars as they'd like? The answer has to be no. Do yourselves to him. Sell as many cars as you like. Do you sell as much as you like online as soon as somebody says. And this is how we would introduce you. James Burger picker rooms, right? Plug, plug, plug. Yeah, but this is how we do
spk_0: 55:33
things where he worked. And I worked on it for ages and I ran it by you. And I made sure that and it's even things or smaller is when you really go to a higher level. I think you don't just have the introduction line of as you said then that you looking to increase your sales donations or leads online and you know, and I know that the reason there's those three sailors, donations or leads asked what those out and who I'm speaking to. So let's say I was going to a charity. I'm not gonna go join increase your sales online. I'll go. Don't increase your donations online. But then also, what I've got in there is the fact of when you think you really start, take this to another level. Is he start this communist social media marketing crew built on pirate principles, and they'll help you increase your donations online. And it's little things like the pirate there makes when I talk about that. Memory hurt the girl. Memorable. Well, pirate, what's happened? So you have to ask him.
spk_1: 56:23
Most companies, most trainers and I can't stand them will tell. Tell their audience you must have a USB unique selling point. That's just crap. Yeah. Yes, if you can. Yes, if you can, but a USP. The word unique means you're different on in many, many companies or industries. You really are exactly the same. Exactly the same as as another part and as another person in your industry. So what can make someone think of you? We've already discussed personality given now. Discussion over. Okay, but it could be some on your business card. Yeah. Does your business card stand out from the crowd? Most business cards of rubbish. They are designed by the printer who gave you the design you want on because you're inexperienced. You're happy with the design because it's what you asked him for. Very few give you the design that is effectively red, effectively red. So is there a one liner on your business card that's professional? Ethical even ideally, a bit of fun where the person reading the cards is as clever. That's clever, because that's the bit. That's just the one bit that might might get you the opportunity. I have a hashtag Berg is, um, and it literally says, If you try, it might not work. If you don't write, it will not work. So yeah, so a memory hook is exactly what it says. And ultimately you're looking for a line of entry. That's a guaranteed answer. So, for example, I wouldn't say I wouldn't say no. Are you happy with the amount of cars you sell? Because people would always say, Well, I could always soem or in fact, that could be a line of entry. But I would say to somebody, Could you sell even Mohr online? Then you currently do. And again, it's a question with a go while I'm sure or it's you know, Do you believe there's more opportunity and online? I'm sure, But you don't say, you know. Are you happy with your accountant? Yes, I am. You've got to find that line of entry Dummy Sense
spk_0: 58:19
makes perfect sense. Memory hook, memory. Yeah. Yeah, you know some really fun. One so I just like to share them purely just cause they're brilliant.
spk_1: 58:26
Yeah, there are some great ones. I mean, you know, I remember many years ago again. Why have a memory hook? It's the thing that someone will remember you by. Remember going to that point. So I remember years ago I was being I'm eating. This was about 12 13 years ago. I do not mind giving this gentleman the credit. I've only met him once. Once in 12 years. On was a gentleman called Justin Burgess Burgess and son's funeral directors in Stevenage. If you are still around and if by some chance you're listening to this you you're so and so stuck in my mind. And if I explain how this gentleman stood up for 55 seconds and probably probably bored the life out of us about funerals, not because of the way spoke he was a good guy, but who cares? And then his memory hook. And he literally got almost a little bit aggressive but was brilliant. And he went to just remember where the last people that will ever, ever let you down.
spk_0: 59:22
So yeah, that is amazing.
spk_1: 59:25
So if I say to you. Can I remember his 55 seconds? No. If you're listening, Justin, don't be disappointed. Can I remember Justin Burgess Burgess and son's funeral directors? Stevenage in Hartford. Sheer bloody right. I've got a car. Get car. Get you on my mind s Oh, it's of no use to anybody unless you die in Stevenage, by the way, And then I could give you a recommendation. But how clever was that memory look
spk_0: 59:49
Brilliant. And if you know any other ones as well as one about a carpet cleaner
spk_1: 59:54
Oh, well, we don't cut corners. We clean them. There's another carpet cleaner that did a brilliant one. If the stage reappear soda way, I think one of the one of the best ones I saw and I don't know this gentleman still around. Years ago I went to another being I event on. This gentleman was a visitor and he stood up anyone. Good morning, everybody. My name's Willie and I make suits. So what's the first thing we looked at his suit? Yeah, absolutely. And if I tell you that the jacket was really ill fitted, it was definitely too big. It definitely didn't fit very well. on for honestly. 50 seconds he's talking about. You know, we're good. You could look like us on. I'm thinking, mate, just get off like you are killing yourself. Just stop on. Then he did his punch line, which was brilliant. So I have to now tell you he had another jacket beautifully fitted underneath the ill fitted jacket. But we couldn't see so this was his punch. And I hope your listeners hear can kind of come picture this. So for 55 seconds and when you look like this, you could be confident and did the dirt. I'm thinking, Oh, my goodness, mate. Get off, Get off! And his punch line was he grabbed his jacket that he was wearing. He undid the button and in an exaggerated movie, said, So you can look like this. And even then I'm going to know that he threw his jacket off, left a perfectly fitted jacket on underneath, he said, Or you can look like this.
spk_0: 1:1:23
I mean, from a marketing background and like loving creative work that just that's unbelievable. That is so smart, so clever. Love it being remotely in. Yes, brilliant.
spk_1: 1:1:36
I'm talking about these two guys years. Yeah, that's something.
spk_0: 1:1:39
You still remember it Brilliant. Amazing, I think. A final question. Best tips for nervous networkers. What would you say? Some of the guys. Look, I'm just too nervous to do it.
spk_1: 1:1:51
I would say that's absolutely okay. The person you're going to meet is more nervous than you. Okay, The reality is you know, our I often talk about it. I can do this really quickly. I passionately believe that networking effective networking I apologise, is a necessary strategy in business on to finish with the laugh. What of our parents always said to us for all these years? Don't speak to strangers. Well, now go networking. Get over it.
spk_0: 1:2:22
Can't go speak to strangers. Brilliant. If you enjoyed this episode, please do share on your social media. Send it to a mate, leave us a review or get in touch with the e mail on my social media at Picca Runes underscore on instagram or by searching up J b underscore picker runes on Twitter. And you could follow Dad's goings on on Twitter at Phil Berg 88. If you won't see either of us in action or sometimes both of us cheque out the seminars link below, which includes both of our upcoming talks chairs