Chats with Dad
Chats with Dad
Episode 1- Goal Setting
In the first episode of Chats with Dad, Phil & James discuss goal setting. They chat about everything from why you should set goals, theories on why goals aren't met and tips to help you define and achieve your own goals.
spk_0: 0:01
Welcome to chats with Dad. My name is James Burg, and I run my own social media marketing company called picker rooms, helping businesses increased their sales donations or leads online. Like many people, I regularly have chats about my business and get voice from my dad. Difference for me is my dad. Phil Berg is a sought after speaker and trainer who went from selling carpets on a market stall to presenting, helping and influencing thousands of businesses all over the world. I realised the advice I received from Dad would not beautiful to me. But to anyone who wants to further their success in business and life, I don't think that realises how good he is. On outside of his speaking engagements, people don't get the chance to hear his advice. So I started this podcast so we can share the chaps that I have with Dad with all of you way. Hope you enjoy it, right? That's yeah, Very good. Thank you. So on episode one of chaps with Dad, we're gonna be discussing goal setting, right? And we're gonna start with a very easy question. When we speak about law, why is go setting important.
spk_1: 1:10
Okay, I will probably tend to reverse. The question is, how can you exist? Or how can you survive without gold setting? Yeah. So I just say simply is you have to have a name. You can't just exist. So you gotta set goals.
spk_0: 1:25
Yeah. After there's another sandwich. A light which is without go, you can't score. Sure. So you've always taught me we don't work for the money, but we work for what we can do with the money. So for those you haven't heard you speak about this before. Can you explain what you mean by this?
spk_1: 1:39
Yeah, well, it's very easy. People fall into the trap of kind of. I'm going out to work to pay the bills, etcetera, and everyone has to pay the bill with Servant has to pay the mortgage. Every has to feed. The kids ever has to put food on the table on That's absolutely life. But the trouble is, the challenge is off. If you like the challenges of success, people want success but haven't really defined it. They would like to have a great life, but they've got to exist on how they're currently living. So therefore it's very difficult to to go for things while they're in the comfort zone of what they have is sorting themselves out. So for me, it's not the money it's picture the life you want and then work out that you need money for working for the money, working for the outcome of the money.
spk_0: 2:25
Yeah, in that point that you just said then about people kind of wanting success but not desire at united defining it. Yeah, because I realise that I've had quite a few people I've spoke to go on. Oh, my company one day and I was guilty of this when I was, you know, my company one here. That's okay. But you said to me Why? Yeah, So because cinema, then I'm accompany you back to challenge me, to start thinking that you're oId I want to own my own cos it is my freedom. Is it because the money it gives me and then from the money, as you taught me that it's like, Hey, what do you want to do with the money? And I think you've got really nice analogy which have heard you present about which one analogy sort a storey and I think it was the chap you said wanted a nine bedroom house. Yeah, well, first it was a 10 bedroom house. 10. It was
spk_1: 3:09
a 10 bedroom house. So a few years ago, I wasn't I had an illness on DH. I got home one day from the hospital on. This guy had sent me a bunch of flowers. I mean, if I describe this gentleman, you would not think it's
spk_0: 3:21
a bunch of flowers. It's ridiculous. It's anyway. Naturally, I phoned him up and said, Can I thank you very
spk_1: 3:26
much? And I said to him, You know, you still doing what you're doing? He was head of a very successful organisation, and ultimately he was a real rough and ready type of guy. So the way he spoke, I couldn't even imitate yet. But if I just say to you that he said, he said, You know what, Phil? He said, I've got a huge five bedroom house. Yeah, so I was like, OK, I don't know where you're going with this, but okay, he said. And I don't use three of the bedrooms, and I was really confused, saying, Okay, you don't use three of the better. I'll only finding much say thank you for the flowers. So I said, OK, you don't use three of the bedrooms She said No, he said. But all my life I wanted a 10 bedroom house on. I wanted a 10 bedroom house because I wanted to stick two fingers up to all those people that said I wouldn't be successful on, I wouldn't make it, he said. Ultimately, I realised that number one, I got ill trying to get the 10 bedroom house, and that's why I changed what I do. But the real moral of the storey, he said, Had I've got my 10 bedroom house, I wouldn't have used seven of the bedroom, he said. So what I thought I wanted so that I could stick two fingers up at anybody, he said. It wasn't actually I wanted, So I got ill going for what I thought I want
spk_0: 4:31
here didn't really want it. Yeah, that's a that's a real thing. I've realised Maura, um, or in the A lot of people desire this kind of success without realising how much busier that makes you, and then they almost crash when they achieve it. When they get to that point of how I want this war to get that I need to keep working. And like you said, once they get it there, then a point of going, Oh, I don't really want this lifestyle that came with this success. And I think one thing that you've always taught me, I don't know how you agree with this statement, but I've got to take him from a lot of your learnings and I don't really now do business plans. What I do is life plans on. Then I go back and I look a do the business decisions helping my life plan. Yeah, at the moment where I've launched my business on part of the idea of it was I could be able to work from a laptop. Yeah, I wouldn't be fixed to a location, and it's interesting. Now I look back on all the choices I've made in my career to get to here. A lot of them have all been based around is not gonna get any closer towards being able to work with a laptop or not on. That was by defining that life plan as opposed to the business plan. So another one is I want to have an acronym called B Hag on that stands for big, hairy, audacious goals, which kind of a crazy, big goals that people set themselves. What do you think? The reason is that people settle for easier go Sometimes instead of setting themselves, These kind of be had goals?
spk_1: 5:58
Well, I think you used the word because it is easier here. So there's things in life. There's easier to, and there's easier not to. I think the reality is when people are young, you yeah, when people are young, you know, you see someone else with the Ferrari. I mean, you know what? 20 year old guy we'll go, doesn't want something that someone else has got. What 20 year old boy doesn't want to drive a Ferrari came, But actually, when push comes to shove what they need to do on but the things they need to achieve to be able to get the Ferrari, they may not want the Ferrari enough yet, so ultimately, I think it's a question off desire. Be hag is big, hairy, audacious goals on it goes back to the subject we spoke about a minute ago is make sure that Whatever you think you want, you actually want. Yeah. And to do that, you should picture what you want, Picture. You've actually got it. And imagine what life is like having it. And at that stage, it would It would decipher whether. Do you know what? Yeah, that is what you know is what I want, And if so, what sacrifices or what journey do you need to go on to achieve that goal on DH? Then you've got to ask yourself if you want it enough, you'll go on that journey. Yeah, And if you don't, then don't desire success but not go for it. You're better off just changing u go.
spk_0: 7:18
Yeah. So it's almost like desire happiness as opposed to desire ing success.
spk_1: 7:23
Yeah. I mean, I might. My definition of success is happiness.
spk_0: 7:25
Yeah. There you go. Yeah, I think that seem that I've been interested as well as how many people on always is willing to kind of go for happiness instead of success will actually go that job promotion. Okay, But is that your promotion? Gonna Yes. You're now the managing director of the way of a high level. But now that means you're responsible for 20 more people. That means you're now going to go home five hours later every day. It means when you go on holiday in Goa on holiday, you gotta take phone calls possible. Do you want that? Yeah. And if you do want that I raised with some people, it's about knowing that that's because you want that because that's gonna get you to somewhere further down the line. And that leads very nicely onto the next question, which is something we speak about law, and we're both trained on the ascent, of course. Is finding your wife. So as many studies and books on the word why on I'd recommend starting with the book. Start with Why by Simon Cynic. But shooting our listeners want to read this or haven't read it before. Can you explain now what finding your wife is on DH? Why is so important?
spk_1: 8:26
Well, I mean in that, in that sentence alone you use, why three or four
spk_0: 8:30
hours as I was saying I was thinking I'm saying why so much? Yeah,
spk_1: 8:33
it's such a big word. I mean, you know, if someone asked you a question and this is ah joke for anyone listening. But if someone asked you a question nine questions out of 10 you could actually turn around to say something like, That's a really interesting question. Why did you ask that question? Yeah, and then they'll turn to say, Well, I asked it because So, for example, if I said to you, or how old are you? And he starts an interesting question. Why did you ask that? Also, I ask that because on then I'll come up with the real question. So you should decide for your wife. And what I've learned a long time ago is when people own the UAE there, work out the how so if you can picture something you say. Well, if I had that, then that's how I want my life to look like this. And if I had that, I'd be so happy that you're why. Yeah, and then it's like Okay, well, now let's work out how, But until you own your why, you're you're never work out. How?
spk_0: 9:23
Yeah, And I suppose that goes back to what we were speaking about before as well about people wanting success. Yeah. Yeah. Why? What is what life does that give you and you gonna share my own way? Actually, Hunt decided to do this originally, I'm going to Good, because after the stuff that off the stuff I went through So I went through a few health issues on DH. From that I kind of start. That was the time when I started building the business of figuring out, like, What's my wife? And we did the ascent, of course. And I started working on what is my wife. And I learned that my real why and it's for picker runes is to have fun. Great, have fun all the time. And as you would say just then, it's okay. Well, why do you want to have fun all the time? Yeah, and I really explored into that, and I looked at that thing of actually, there's kind of two sides to it and really, all comes from all those health issues I had. It was out of my control. I couldn't really have fun. I was so upset so down at the time. And I kind of learned, actually, I don't agree in that thing of going toe work and not enjoying my job. So enjoy the weekend. I was alone. Enjoy all the time on DH for me. Part of reason when I say my wife's fun is that fun doesn't always mean going out. And, you know, I like my extreme sports kind. Like snowboarding, skiing wherever fun actually is sometimes just not being sad. So when I went through that difficult time to me fun. We're just going to sit and have a cup of tea and not have to worry about all. Might have to have another not very nice seaward cheque up on my arm next week. And that kind of went into my wife. Okay, what does fun all the time look like? Which, then, as I said, Well, my business decisions have moved toe. Okay, wall, is it going to be fun if I employ 10 people right now? You know, it's no, actually, that might not lead to fun. That's kind of how now I start to you than my wife. So you said to me before that people boy, your Why, Yeah. What exactly is it you mean by that?
spk_1: 11:19
Well, I think if you have belief, I mean, look, it's not always easy to have belief, but Once you went, people set goals. They should. They should actually start from the end and work backwards. In other words, no kind of start at the beginning. And where did where is it going to end up its we know. Where do I want to be on then? You kind of picture. You're there as I said before. And you think this is it. This is that this would make me happy. I mean, that might change in the future, but at this moment, that's where I'd like to be in x amount of time. Wherever that is on. That would make me happy on DH. Then you even if you know most people fail in anything they do business or personal life because their belief doesn't help them get there. You think you think of Let me give an example. You think of professional boxing. Do you not think that there are professional boxes that have been in a fight with someone that's better than them more skilled in them on perhaps even stronger than them clever. And then they're more experience than them. But, you know, somehow, somehow they've been knocked down. They keep getting back up they've been knocked down. They keep getting back up. They're almost out of the fight. And then there's that one punch, one punch on the records will say they won the fight. Tyson Fury Perfect Tyson Fury recently. Now, at the end of the day on that, what one in the fight, his skill or his desire? His desire is why he knew what he wanted to achieve on once it's in you, their people by that. So I always say people buy from you once they buy into
spk_0: 12:53
yeah, way on share a quick model, which I don't know if you're aware of this, you might chatted about it before it's called the Eco Guy model Japanese model. And I believe that when people are gold setting, it's just so useful that are sharing the links below for our listeners. And it's kind of about four parts of it, of if you can figure out what does the world need, what my good at what can I get paid for on what is challenging for me? If you got all four of those and they all link up, that is how you achieve what Japanese called pick a guy which is almost like complete peace in your job, in your role in your career. Now that's so interesting is, actually, it's what does the world need and what my good at you might have. Fine that. Let's say it's something I can take the example of the top of my head. But let's say you've got that. You can't get paid for it. Yeah, we're not gonna have job satisfaction. And likewise, if you've got you get paid for it, you're good at it. The world needs air. You're not being challenged again. You're not gonna have that satisfaction, I think, is really interesting for anyone who's not sure where they are in their career. I was looking where they should move. I think it's just such a great model to look at and start map out where you're going because it amazed me as we set back for success thing before how many people I've met who became paid loads of money and they're very, very good at their job, per miserable because they kind of go. Actually, it's not really helping people, and it's not challenging for me. It's easy.
spk_1: 14:24
I know if I can get Teo saying that, Um, it's very interesting when you said, You know, it's not helping people and I mean, I know you personally. You're very passionate about choosing the work that makes a difference to the world became. But I would say You're very special and I would say You're very unique. There are plenty of people. I would say they don't go out of their way to hurt the world, but then making a difference to the world isn't even in their minds.
spk_0: 14:55
I agree with that. Andi, This is chats and I can even think of the Thai people I spoke to about this before and the same thing where they've gone. I just want the paycheck. It's fine, but I think people say that. But they're not. Still, as you said, it's not that they think they're not going to hurt the world. But I think if they truly would go. I love waking up every morning and I look forward to going into work. I'm enjoying my day. I think if you got those four things and it has always got to be out helping the world sometimes what the world needs is we need plumbers. You got things that hungry doesn't mean that helping the world is changing the world. But it's like sometimes I think if you feel your jobs a bit Mohr redundant or actually, if I wasn't doing this rope. So what? So that's kind of where I think on that. And you're right that it's not the changing the world, but it's actually sometimes people have roles that they know they're just turned up each day and getting a paycheck, And I
spk_1: 15:46
would guess on, I don't know. But I would guess that the majority of people that work go to work are totally satisfied with what they dough is. My guess. Yeah, but, you know, because where we're primed as kids, aren't we? You know, you're born, you have no responsibility. You have no concerns. You go to school, you're told to go to school. So you've got to learn on as you know, sometimes we're good at school. Sometimes we're no okay.
spk_0: 16:16
And sometimes we go to school and we don't You know that street will say
spk_1: 16:21
ultimately. Okay. We're told to do these things. Okay on what's the natural habitat, which no or not have it out. What's the natural cycle, which none of us have ever questioned. We a lot of us do what we do because isn't that what we do? So, for example, what happens after school or university were then I've gotta look for a job having because that's what people do. So I think you know how many people leave university on DH. They absolutely go straight into the career that their passions about, you know, or likewise, they enter that that industry somewhere, but actually quite quickly changes in something because they realise it's not what they wanted to do. So the fact is, people worked to live goes back to the money, so you have it right. People worked to live, so ultimately, I think there's plenty of people that they just accept. What they do is what they do. You and I are in a very, very privileged position. Okay, so with your picture ruins company, youand your your pirate kind of mindset, you want to make a difference to the right type of people. You want to make a difference in the world us in James Burg. And I think that's amazing. I'm very proud of you. Me, you know I'm the assistant national director for being a UK NIreland on. I want to make a difference to the business community because when we make a difference to the business community, it makes a difference to their families. It makes a difference the way people live. So, you know, I have the same time type of ethics, but I think I think I've been lucky. But I think you've been clever. You have chosen this route. I have fallen into this route, and now I absolutely love making a difference. You have chosen it.
spk_0: 18:01
Our kind of agreed back. So yes, you're right. In terms of the chosen that but for me, when you said you're lucky and you always say you're lucky, you are at the same time you've got to be that good to find the luck. So you went to be an eye meetings when you had your carpet short? Yeah, did. When you had your carpet shop, you were trying to help people out the best car. You get the best service yet when I look back? Yes. So you as a person when you found being I, which for those of you who don't know is a network organisation that that's very heavily involved in. Go and have a look at it for www dot b and i dot com on dot eu you. Don't you found a great networking organisation? You'll probably hear or speak a lot more about it throughout this Siri's. But when you then went to be annoy, you didn't have to go out your way to help every single other member. You didn't have to do so much to help other people. And that's because you enjoyed the helping side of it. And I think, even though to some works, then you could say luck. What's that saying is a goal for when he's likes. Funny, with luck like the harder I work, the luckier I get. Yeah, it's that thing of you. Put yourself in those positions to get that luck on DH. I feel like going back to Italy at university, and I fully agree with you with school and university. That's a whole different deep conversation about the value of education. Obviously, there is a value in education, but there is the argument that it's there to prime you two going into the workplace. Education doesn't necessarily prime youth being on entrepreneur or for setting out your own partner. It's primes, you for working for other people in the workplace on for me when I left university. And this is, I hope, a positive thing for people in that I didn't know this is what I'd be doing. I started up and I kind of had this and drive you is you can't see at the moment is kind of wide path. So I chose what I call the white part, and there are a few different versions off it. I knew that by going down that path, more options would open up to May, and I feel like as my career is going on, each path I've chosen has then had less options. But it's meant I'm getting more and more focused on what my speciality is, But that still is. I never got old. You know what, even though I kind of made a few career jumps, actually, when I look back on them, they're all the same path. I wouldn't have got becoming a strategist if I hadn't have been a researcher beforehand, and I would have been a researcher if I hadn't gone for content editing job. But the time it was like a wife who'll come swapping careers but really acted. They're not swapping careers on. I always say to people when they come out of university and they're not sure, what should I be doing? I've just started a job and I don't love it. I mean, I've said it's you enough times. What is that? The guy that started KFC was 55. Got Ray Crock. I think it started. McDonald's was in his fifties. Warren Buffett made half his wealth after 60. Like it's about actually, as long as we're on the right path that eventually we'll figure out what it is and going back to the goal setting nature of this I realised. Even though we've still kind of stayed on the topic, we've got a little bit off topic. I think it was about having that goal when I left University that I want to be able probably before a starter university. I want to be in a position to have my own business. That means that I can travel around. I'm not fixed to a location so I can work from a laptop on throughout that it's been OK. What is thought?
spk_1: 21:16
Why why Where did that vision come from? Why one thing
spk_0: 21:20
is that going to go back to the front thing I said to you about If my wife's fun on back to the the positive side of fun is as I'm finding now, I want to be able to reach any with one of my clients in South Africa. Andi, we went up when we did a four hour hike one morning, and we filmed from content at the top of hike for him. But for our hike, they may have a nice big lunch. And then I got back and I started work that day at 3 p.m. And I worked from 3 p.m. To 10 p.m. Because I had that kind of freedom. I wasn't fixed to a client that needed that work right then. So that to me, was the positive side of fun. On the more negative side of fun, this is a bit more dark, but when you're fixed to a business and location while my biggest fears officer you Mum, Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, all of our family's health and the thought of golf a bit something happening to one of you on that, I then go. Really Sorry, but I'm in the I'm fixed to this location of work. Right? Calm. I can't drop everything to help you for a week. That is kind of part of my wine that they might have that fun. The more dark side of it is that I'm worried that if they have not worried, but I never wanted to be in a situation of gun. Sorry, Dad. Like you break your leg in your home or something got bit worse has happened and I can't come visit you every day. So I've got to work because I don't view work. It's funny because of how hard I work. I don't view work. Is that important on that? Kind of is why I think that's in this. It's a necessity. So do little guessing game. In a 2016 study by the University of Scranton and Pennsylvania, scientists studied how many people who set New Year's goals never actually achieved them. Can you take a guess? How many that wass?
spk_1: 23:12
Well, I'll be very interested in how many people actually set them in the first place. I would say people have dreams rather than actual plans because you know the old saying that a goal without a goal without a plan and they go without a date is just a dream. So I would imagine no, as many people as we think, probably even set goals or plan them. But I would imagine off the people that plan them. If you're knowing the answer, I would imagine it would be a high percentage that don't do anything with it or certainly may begin it and don't carry on like a gymnasium member here. Gymnasiums always have membership starting in January on their membership starting in January. What's the first thing after Christmas? Particularly you? Yeah, after you've eaten everyone's leftovers. What's the thing you do after Christmas? So I got to join a gym. Yeah. So gym membership is always oversubscribed. Always. It's a strategy of theirs purely and simply because they know a lot of people going to join. You know, you're gonna go to the gym 1st 2nd 3rd 4th of January, and it's gonna be busy on after that and that quickly pic just dies down. Yeah, So I would imagine it's gonna be good. I'm gonna go is hires 92. 93% do not continue on their plans.
spk_0: 24:24
You knew the answer already. Know what is it? 92%. You know, you're you know, you didn't know the answer. We have spoken about this before. No,
spk_1: 24:32
no, no, I would I would I would have
spk_0: 24:34
I called the shape. Okay. I would have said 90%. Whoa. Okay. So I'm gonna be the guessing game. Yes. You got it, Sport. Okay, you get a cookie after this. Okay, So taking that into account on a car get cooking because I'm starting Jim. Yeah. So, taking that into account, what techniques can people do to make sure that they achieved their goals?
spk_1: 24:54
I think it's a great one. There is a very, very simple technique I would suggest, and it's having on accountability, buddy. It's for example. It's so it's so easy to let yourself down so easy. Yeah, you know, I could say I'll do something. And if I don't do it, it's like, Oh, hey ho. And you know, I justify it to myself every day of the week and we will justify anything we do to ourselves. So I think a great idea is actually having accountability, buddy. And I'm quite amazed at how many people have never heard of this terminology. And if you if you literally split it separate into the two words accountability means that you're answerable on DH. Buddy means that it's a friend. But it's got to be someone that you you agreed to make a phone call. So you agreed to make a phone call in six weeks time, and you could do it two ways or one way, as in them, to you and you. To them, whichever. But you you literally turn around. It's a look. That's what I'm gonna do. So, for example, at this very, very moment, okay, with a very good friend of mine called Richard Fox, I've got him to set me to send me a text of what he wants to achieve in the next six weeks, because that would be personal moment. But I have no problem saying mine on mind to him is, I am going to swim six times in the next six weeks. Okay, No fixed lengths, but just I am literally going to get into a pool and swim lengths on six different occasions. I am going to book the dentist.
spk_0: 26:21
You? Yeah. Don't tell. My mom is not listening to some shopping because I haven't been
spk_1: 26:26
thinking factory. So I'm going to book the dentist on DH. I also because, as you know, I'm getting fitter, so I'm also got a weight goal. So the fact is, with an accountability buddy, I will be agreeing to speak to Richard on whatever the 12th or 13th of next month. And ultimately, I've literally just going to say to him, I achieve these goals. Now. The fact is, I will, because I will be too embarrassed yet. And I'm wasting his time. If I phone him up and say, Look, I'm sorry, man. I didn't do it because he could just turn and say, Well, what's the point of this? So I would suggest certainly reviewing it. However you review it. Yeah, and I would suggest that you review them regularly. So, for example, if you can imagine a good example being air plane, plane, plane takes off at Heathrow on it flying to Los Angeles. Okay, It doesn't go in a perfect perfect line. Okay, If you can imagine the pilots are in there. I'm sure it's also autopilot. And what have you, But ultimately they are reviewing and checking, Probably by the minute. Yeah, so they're pulling it back into line on the right, pulling it back into line on the left, ultimately there, around the straight line. But it's not a perfect straight line, So can you imagine if they gone 56 700 miles? I've done how it along. It is. They got 5 600 miles, and they tend to say all we better Just cheque where we are on. They were 1% off course from the beginning. If they do that 1% incorrectly for 6 700 miles, they will be so far off of there off of their fair, and that it becomes very difficult to get back on board. So that
spk_0: 28:06
way. So I've got a good one. You know what you think about this? I don't know if this is something you told me before, but you have the goal written up, so I usedto have the way my bed wass I want to know about the cupboard sticking out over my bed. So on the cupboard. Imagine I'm lying down in my bed. And when I looked directly up, I stuck a bit of paper with my five goals in the last year on it. You know, last year, the year before last year. So every morning when I opened my eyes, the first thing I do is see those goals.
spk_1: 28:39
So that would be called a vision board. Yeah, OK, so it's a vision board and there are many things
spk_0: 28:44
some people do them visually don't mix. Actually, I've got a visual. One of my computer of a future vision board. Yet I don't look at that enough, but yeah, I had actual written ones
spk_1: 28:53
yet, but But it's however you do it, you're still looking at it. I mean, for example, I would say, three years ago I got myself into a good good fit condition. Yeah, and something I did, which was an interesting one. So for those those people that kind of wanna lose a bit of weight, I got a shirt that I couldn't fit into
spk_0: 29:10
the a r j
spk_1: 29:10
a k. Yeah, and I hung it up in my office
spk_0: 29:14
in your office, my office, I ridiculous in my office and just the listeners. That office has other people in it.
spk_1: 29:22
Yeah, it wasn't pretty on DH. I would literally probably I would say probably once a week. Literally. Try that shirt on and I'm talking about, you know, couldn't shows the cheque ins. Yeah, I couldn't get pulled together. And you know how I felt when all of a sudden, the shirt pulled together, Couldn't get the buttons done? Yeah, together is II. And then it was motivation on. Then the motivation kind of drove me. So I believe there should be a vision board even. You know that? How she wants the car you want, you have a vision board, but also have a dates
spk_0: 30:00
on that leads very nicely into next question, which is building on that I won't shed a smart framework so that this works objective setting as well as gold setting. So where I've done off social media strategy for businesses before we see any good strategy starts an objective, and we use this a lot. Smart framework is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. I'm gonna say relevant there. What we really mean by that is that they make sense. They make sense to who you are what your business is. What? Your challenges. So do you have any thoughts on the smart framework? Do you ever use it? Do you see people not use it correctly just yet? Any thoughts on that framework,
spk_1: 30:43
I think, goes back to things we've discussed on here. Really? There are many, many different systems. The smart framework is very, very good. Being specific is good, because again, I often reverse it. If you're not specific, then I guess you're vague. Yeah. Yeah. So you've got to be specific. Measurable means that you're constantly reviewing it and that's that's the important part because it is measurable. How on you feel good along the way became so ultimately remind me the a
spk_0: 31:16
eight achievable and this is on actually got their thoughts on because we just spoke about the B Haque framework over those big, hairy, audacious girl wasn't she goes hem and to me, achievable then like it's that interesting one of are they possible? But I also don't make them too easy. If that makes sense, you don't choose one that you can easily achieve, but also don't choose one that's I want to achieve human flight or something that they never ever happened.
spk_1: 31:46
Well, you know the word impossible if you split up the eye in the M. Okay, So the eye in the M and then split that from possible actually says impossible. Yeah. So, actually, the word impossible is impossible. Likewise, if someone says it's impossible, you say impossible or improbable. And if they say Well, it's improbable, that is possible. Okay, so you know. Yeah, okay. It's It's whether it's achievable. The reality is I believe most things are achievable. I mean, I can't sit here now as an older guy and say, Hey, listen, you know, I want to be the world champion 100 metre runner. Yeah, and I'm gonna be Hussein boats 9.6 seconds or whatever, because actually, that is ridiculous yet, But I could turn around and say, Do you know what I want to start running, which is actually not a passion of mine, But I want to start running if that I am actually starting to run induce amore aerobic stuff at the gym. So because I've just started, I'm experienced enough with my previous sports to be aware of what? How not to push myself Yeah, I'm just doing one kilometre. Okay, which sells ridiculous. But I'm doing the speed and I've done that three times in the last two weeks on each time. I'm just trying to improve the speed. Now what? In this case, my achievable czar Eso Let's say the 1st 1 which it wass and this could be very embarrassing to whoever's listening. But the first time I did, the one kilometre was seven minutes 45. That's
spk_0: 33:14
quite a good time for it.
spk_1: 33:15
Okay, I'm but 7 45 Okay, My my achievable goal is I'm going to get under seven. Yeah, came on. I'm going to get under seven in the next month. Yeah, now the next time I did 7 22 and then I've done 7 14 Okay, Now I can tell you when when I hit that under seven, I'll then go for 6 50 Yeah, So that's what I mean by achievable. Yeah, Okay. Theories, results. Yeah. Yet on the results,
spk_0: 33:50
No. So they are is relevant on that one. That one is about making sure that they are. I'm going back to the wire here. And your general go. They are what you actually need
spk_1: 33:59
us. So let's talk about again. I'm on a fitness campaign. Okay? So the relevant is that? Yeah. I mean, swimming. I said I'm going to swim six times. Okay? Yeah. On each time I try and do another length on top of the length that I did, you know, like they did before. I'm trying to speed up the lengths, the running I'm going to get under the kilometre of under seven. This is all relevant. So it's all related to the one goal. But people have got to understand the difference between a goal on activity to achieve the goal. Yet quite often they make the mistake that the activity is the goal. The goal only is the outcome. Everything else is the activity to achieve. The goal
spk_0: 34:38
on that goes into something which I could speak about all day, which is the difference in objective strategy and tactics because a lot of people will come out, especially social media and go, or I'm going to do this so that you as a tactic, that's no strategy. The strategy is how you're going to do something and in the tactic is actually putting into action. So the social media world. People sometimes turn round and we'll say We're using their business Social Media page. We want more people knowing who we are. We want more impressions on then This is where the smart objectives come. And I always encourage people to be smart with their objectives of our goal setting. And it's actually you change that. We want to increase the number of 18 to 25 year old business owners who bought our product online before the end of 2020. On that, then, is the difference between a goal of going. We want more people knowing who we are, and we want more of this specific person. And that's what the sea where you know that your target audience, we want them knowing who we are. His when by here's the action, and I feel like what a lot of people miss and there's a very easy tip. It just make sure it's got some numbers in it. So as you said then, six lengths you said six weeks you're gonna be speaking to Rich and I think that's the thing for a lot of people's goals. I think, especially in January, if you go you know, saying New Year new May 2020 is the year I'm going to get fit. So let's say if I said right 20 twenties the year that I'm goingto I'm gonna launch a fashion brand no less. If I wass 20 m large fashion brand will come December. If I've still done nothing about that, I'm still far. But you know what I do, But I've still got the end of the month. I've still got a month left on. I think it's by actually putting that timeframe. Like you said of 20 twenties, the year you're going to get fit. Yeah, let's call that your big broad goal. But making it more specific. You then broken that down into little parts of the Golden Gun. Okay, well, how am I going to achieve that in a year? Well, I need to almost in six weeks get started.
spk_1: 36:38
Look, I'm a great believer off you have your outcome, as you know, which is the final destination on. Then you work backwards on, but I really think you can have long term goals, which I understand. But I think the challenge is let let's say a good example. I always I was give Let's say that I'm going to agree with you to do a two hour job, a cane, and it's got to be done within the next three weeks. So when will I do it? Probably in two weeks, six days and half a day into the seventh s another three weeks to do the job, and I do it on the last day. Now, if it's only a two hour job and I agreed to do it in two weeks, then I'll still only do on the last day. But it's a week earlier. So actually setting deadlines on bringing the Ford and there's to say regarding the smart technique. If you can do it, make sure that you know it's relevant and it's achieving. Yeah, but if you can bring your deadlines earlier, people usually fail because deadlines are not set.
spk_0: 37:38
Yeah, I mean, that's Ah, there's a thing that we always talk about when it comes to the specific side of, because that's where I find out about your experience. But people that I've worked with and in the kind of social media world, its people on a specific enough we always said the five W's. That's what you need to be asking to be more specific, which is who, what, where, why and which they're going to ask those questions in this six, then will not win. Beat my point when you're saying that before I thought and I'm going to say there's 1/6 1 but now you take it. I was waiting for Dad to come out and turned out five w questions are actually six, which is what I was going to say, But now you're not gonna believe me. That's just said it. So I was taught you which you kind of talked about it. Then I'll talk to you about timing of gold because we constantly hear one year, five year, 10 year plans. But what would you say is a good time frame of goals to San and I we just touched on it there and kind of breaking them down?
spk_1: 38:41
Well, you said something before actually, which is really, really relevant and very clever, and it was related to business goals as against life goals. Ultimately, why do we work? Why do we earn the money? It goes back to living our life and you know you're going to get some young people listening to what we're talking about and some older people, the older people will know this already. Life goes quickly here, and it is a shame that you have to wait to get older before you put life into perspective. And yet we want to earn the money, and yet we won't have a good life. But at some stage, you know, you get older and you kind of go Do you know what? Maybe I'm not gonna have the Ferrari, and maybe I should put things into priority, and that's really important. So for me, everything I do is all about my life plan. Now, for example, you get businesses and they do business plans. When I speak to people about business plans and I say to them, What's a short term period of time for you for a business plan? What's a medium term and what you regard as a long term and in most answers it short term a year, medium term, three long term, 5 to 10. The reality is people spend big money, and I'm advising any listener on this. Don't do it. People spend big money getting help to create a business plan. They spend all this money. But if you've got a say, a three year business plan, when's the time went? When's the next time you look at it realistically is 2.5 years in and you've got all my goodness is the one degree off course when the plane took off in Heathrow on we're way off, so it became a complete waste of time. So for me, short term is three months. A mid term is six months long. Term is one year on that business plan should be related to. Wouldn't it be lovely that it could be a shorter life plan two years or five years? Wouldn't it be lovely if in two years this is how my life looked? And it could be something so simple? Like the moment I'm working six days a week, I I want to be working 5.5 or less the moment I'm working five days a week and I'm finishing at six o'clock. I'd like one of the days to be finishing at four o'clock, so it could be a simple is that for a shorter term goal on day something a bit longer, but that's how I would do. And three months, six months, 12 months means that if your office off target in three months, its very first Well, you're not gonna go to far off target because three months goes very quickly. And if you are off target, you got time to bring it back. You've got time to bring it back to be back on target for your midterm, which is six months. And if you're on target for your six months, it's likely you're gonna get your 12 month plan. And if you get your 12 month plan, you're on schedule to hit your two or three years ago. That's how I think of it.
spk_0: 41:34
Something quite similar to that Which the model, which is B s Q. U had that before now, having so it's think big at small Oh, yeah, and move quick. Nice. And so it's kind of saying that I think big have your big life plans, what you want to achieve, but at small. So don't you go. I want to own a business one day, like make those small movements. They're gonna get you towards that life goal and then it's the move. Quick. It's don't keep delaying going to eventually. I'll do eventually. Nothing. What you just said there that kind of year. 36 12 in just his whole conversations made me think. Actually, I need to change some not changed on mine. But take some of mine for the next year or two and move them down too. Okay. What? We're gonna do the next three months to make sure I eventually achieve the 12 month one. Kind of laying them down. Something you would say to me is Make sure to enjoy the BMW on the way to the Ferrari. First explain what that means and I got a question for you on it.
spk_1: 42:34
Yeah, it's a lovely I think it's one of my favourite one liners. Actually, it goes back to something I said before. Life goes very, very quickly and you're so busy striving for your Ferrari, you're forgetting to enjoy the BMW that you have at the moment on Life is for living on. Okay, you haven't got the Ferrari yet, but let's do a bad scenario. Let's say you have a lovely BMW. It's you know, you really, you know, have a lovely, lovely car. But you're not satisfied yet. You're not not enjoying it, but you're not satisfied yet. And then, God forbid, God forbid something happens and you don't actually get the Ferrari. The reality is you get to that part of the destination and you look back with sadness. Whereas if you can enjoy what you're doing at the time you're on schedule. And I think if you relate this all to the goals, then if anything, your goal should have been in the next year. I'm gonna have the BMW and then the year after. So actually, you should pat yourself on the back and give yourself a praise for your success that you've achieved your first milestone off that BMW. So that's that's what I mean, that don't don't forget to enjoy where you are.
spk_0: 43:42
Yeah, and there's a theory on that called hedonic Treadmill. Yeah, and it's all about if you had that before. Yeah, yeah, and it's all about that. When you get to a certain you want a BMW, want a BMW work, you work, you work and you achieve that BMW. You enjoy it for the first day or two and then you go Well, now wanna Flory? You work, you work you And it's about always wanting kind of general capitalists think, always wanting the next there, of course. And that's something which you really taught me to really put a lot of things into perspective for me that as I've gone along and when I've had the hard days in the last couple of years kind of gone actually, if you spoke Teoh Mi five years ago and said, Here's where you're gonna be you If you said to me four years ago you're gonna have written a book. I mean, I know what I'd laughed. And it's that thing of sometimes when I have the bad days, when I don't back myself as much or whatever, whatever's going through my mind, it's your teaching. There is really Maybe God, you know what actually like me five years ago. To dream. To be in this position is what I always dreamed of. On another quote that goes, entrepreneurs spend a few years living like most people won't they can spend the rest of their lives living like most people call love on DH for me. Taking into account the health problems I had a few years ago. So when they came in and basically I snapped my knee, something went wrong in the operation, and I then was told I had at least four operations to fix it. I knew that that would take at least two years, and I loved it. I'm not your I love being active, love being doing things. And I remember just kind of seen this quote and thinking. If I accept, these next few years are gonna be great and focus all my sadness and energy into building a better life for myself. Once this is done, then once that's all over. I could live like a king. Why? Didn't know is two years with everything else that happened or some other health issues would end up turning into four years. But to be honest, that's how I'm feeling right now. I look back on and go. Actually, I was willing to take that time and to go. This isn't a fun times. Every time I was feeling really rubbish, every time I got another health horrible thing come in or another medical bill, I knew this was this is the tough period and I knew that if I can get through this tough period at the end of it, I'm to skip the BMW. I will be going straight to the front. I'm not saying I own a Ferrari by the way, but it's saying I'm the Skip straight from enjoying the BMW to go straight to that kind of Ferrari life on DH Another way. I read something of a day that I noted down, which is someone saying I'm happy to have a bad day for the benefit of a good future and when we say they enjoy the BMW the way to the Ferrari. My kind of remade rubbish version of my Storey, I just said, is kind of being willing to walk, to work in the rain for a bit and then eventually or save enough to go straight to the Ferrari. It's like What do you think about that? In terms of G going? I'm going to take a time here where I'm not gonna have fun. It'll it's only rubbish. But at the end of their everything's gonna be great.
spk_1: 46:41
Well, I think it's the you know that the secret to harbour the secrets of success without our workers to the secret. Hey, so, you know, I do relate a lot to fitness, and at the end of the day, if I'm going to get fit, I don't enjoy the extra press up. I don't enjoy the extra running. I don't enjoy the effort. But you know, I love that analogy. You know, you've got a walk in the rain and its sacrifices. Teo hit six. You know that the people that are generally the most successful and we may not want to be them, by the way, you know? So it may be the people the most money, they will have made many sacrifices that I can only talk about me that I'm not prepared to make. So that's the reality of gold setting. Yeah, you know, what will it take now? It doesn't mean using the Ferrari, which we've done quite a lot today is the analogy. You might terminus are chi. I still want that Ferrari. But I mean, I remember once kind of saying to you actually, when you were younger, you kind of said I'd like a Ferrari and I said to you and you weren't so ambitious then. And I remember kind of saying to you, Oh, that's a case. And you gotta work seven days and seven nights and within a second you went all right then. Well, maybe I'll Maybe I'll get a Jaguar. That's the right word for Jackie. You gotta work five days and five nights and you Oh, well, maybe I'll get a BMW, then. I mean, you've got 2 to 5 days, you know, maybe I'll get a mini pleased, By the way, whoever's listening, I'm not being disrespectful to the cars. But then it was like and then you gotta work three days. Things will. Maybe I won't drive for a while. That that actually meant that you were at the time wanting things. But you really were prepared to put in the to do it where someone else might turn round and say, Not for me, by the way. But I'm prepared to work seven days and seven nights. I'm prepared not to see my friends. I'm prepared. I mean, I remember a very, very good friend of mine by the name of Gary. He was a mechanic. When we came out of school. He was a mechanic and he put his head under one bonnet too many. He is now a chartered accountant and has been clear last 30 years. Now that is a complete and utter stranger career. And if I say we didn't see Gary for probably two years, whereas we've kind of seen each other twice a week, we didn't see Gary for about two or three years, as he then made the decision to study very hard to become a chartered accountant. And truthfully, when we were kids and immature, we probably even took the Mickey a little bit about Oh my goodness and how boring he's gonna be, Et cetera, et cetera, meanwhile, were very, very good friends have been for 40 years, but we definitely didn't see three or four years. That was his sacrifice due to his desire, which was due to his is why I just wanted to do it. And he was prepared to do it all
spk_0: 49:18
costs. Yeah, and I can relate that because I remember when I was writing my books, as I said when I was at the worst part of my health issues, and I've hated the job I had at the time and it was just I felt trapped is awful. I had no money. Has all the medical debt, remember? Not really. God, I felt I was a bit of a bad friend, was really going out. My friends, what wasn't seeing them? Because every Saturday, Sunday and every evening was spent head down writing my book because to me, my book was going to give me the future. And I said, I'm young. So I was like, Look, if I can get this as if I could walk in the rain for the next two or three years, I could go straight to Ferrari life. I remember every time I felt like has been a bad friend old. You know, I've not been a good enough friend, but as you said, it's that thing of what Gary did of those couple of years have not put in a situation now. But I feel her Compaore back has in the flow of the friendship that seeing people is okay. I've worked hard enough to get to that point related content. You should post on your social media idea. 89 states share your goals publicly, as in put a post on your social media, saying this year I want to achieve now. You kind of touching it from a health perspective and fitness. But what do you think about that is business? Gold? Life goes. Do you think people should be sharing their goals publicly on social media?
spk_1: 50:41
Well, social media's interesting, anyway, I think because people are jumping on the bandwagon and finding out and learning as they go along. Do I think they should post their goals on social media? So as a special a za professional speaker myself in a motivational speaker, which is what I do? I have learned big time that what's heard is different to what said on what's written is different to what's red. So on that basis, my I go back to the word we discussed earlier, which is the word why? So what? Why are they putting their goals out on social media? And is it because it's now out there in the public world? So I've got to do it on DH. I would figure that's what they're doing it for. If that is the case, it was still not be as effective as an accountability body because you can put the goals out and everyone can comment and like and share etcetera, etcetera. But after that, your history. So it's not relevant to other people after that. So I don't really understand the reason to put goals out on social media.
spk_0: 51:44
Yeah. And you know what I when I wrote the book, I kind of my mindset in it was This means, as in by putting out, you can show people your ambition You can show people by the end of the mine was by end this year, I want to sell 2000 books. Yeah, so yeah, kind of. No. I don't know whether our listeners have thoughts on that, but yeah, that's when I wrote it, and I back when it was in the book, I was happy with it. But in the last couple of years, and especially recently when I did some research this episode, I thought actually there I've told people they should write their goals publicly in my book. But now that I'm starting to see the way that some people use that advice and others use, I'm thinking I'm not actually sure about anymore. So
spk_1: 52:25
I thought I think it's so okay. Imagine I saw your goals or on a social media platform. You know, my first thought would be something like, You know, we're good for you or, you know? So what? Yeah. Is that relevant to me? Personally? I don't think it is.
spk_0: 52:43
Yeah. I mean, I'm making an update the book this year, so maybe I'll get rid of it in that one. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So that is Dad's view and Dad's advice on gold setting. If you enjoyed this episode, please do share on your social media, send it to a mate, leave us a review or get in touch with the e mail on my social media at Picca Runes underscore on instagram or by searching up J b Underscore picker runes on Twitter. And you could follow Dad's goings on on Twitter at Phil Berg. If you won't see either us in action or sometimes both of us cheque out the seminars link below, which includes both of our upcoming talks chairs