Chats with Dad
Chats with Dad
Chats with Dr. Ivan Misner
This episode of Chats with Dad is a very special one. Not just because it’s the last episode of season 2, but also because we have our very first guest, the Founder of BNI, Dr. Ivan Misner.
Ivan has been called the “father of modern networking” by Forbes and CNN and he is the author of 26 books. He’s also a good friend of Phil’s (they’re working on a book together as we speak). On this episode, Phil and James ask Ivan to share how he’s overcome mistakes and mishaps during his long and illustrious career. In particular, he shares one story that he’s rarely spoken about in such depth: how he took one of the biggest mistakes in his professional life, and turned it into a triumphant moment of learning, growth, and redemption.
Click here to find out more about Dr. Ivan Misner, his books, and his work running BNI: https://ivanmisner.com
Click here to book a no-obligations call with Phil, connect with him on social media, and more: https://linktr.ee/PhilBergCoach
Click here to find out more about Picaroons, James’s book, and his other projects: https://linktr.ee/ramboberg
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