Chats with Dad
Chats with Dad
Still Reflecting on the Last Two Years
On this episode of Chats with Dad, Phil and James continue where episode 1 left off by filling us in on what they’ve been up to these past two years. Phil talks more about jumping into the scary unknown by selling his BNI franchise and starting work as an independent consultant. Father and son get real about the imposter syndrome that comes with running your own business and asking people to pay for your expertise, and offer actionable tips on how to overcome it.
Make sure you listen to part 1 of this conversation, which is already available in our podcast feed!
Click here to book a no-obligations call with Phil, connect with him on social media, and more: https://linktr.ee/PhilBergCoach
Click here to find out more about Picaroons, James’s book, and his other projects: https://linktr.ee/ramboberg
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